Monday, February 6, 2012


My Mr. and I went to our Churches marriage seminar and were given a challenge to each write a little love haiku about each other. The winner of the little contest would win a date night basket.

We had a week to each write one and send it in.

I had never even heard of a Haiku let alone tried to write one. So the first couple days I just tossed around a couple idea's. Then I buckled down and no lie spent two hours writing 1 little Haiku!

I texted my Mr. to see if he had written one yet and he responded not yet but I will. Like 10 mins later he sent me the sweetest haiku!

I loved it. But was annoyed he could write it in 10 mins after I spent 2 hours. So I just came to the conclusion that can some can write and some can't. And well I can't! hahah

But here are our little love haiku's for each other.

Morning Beautiful
Your kisses will be so sweet
a beautiful Dream

In your arms I'm safe
Peace and Rest I will embrace
You're my happy place

They are not the best and we didn't win but I am proud of them and think they are so sweet and say a lot about were we are right now in our marriage and current situation.

Love you Mr. Bubeck

12 for 2012 check up!

I am a list's kind of a girl.
I love to be able to look down and see exactly what I need to do each day, week, year. And then to be able to cross something off makes me a happy girl.

Anyways so I wanted to look over my 2012 list and give little updates on each if I have them......

  1. Go on a family vacation. A week long not a weekend!
  2. Do the 30 day shred and shred it weights for the full 30 days. So 60 days straight! (I have bought both dvd's I am just waiting for my soccer season to be over and then I'm gonna start them!)
  3. Plant and maintain a garden
  4. Read my Bible cover to cover (I found a year plan, where you read from the new testament, old testament, and a psalms each day. And I'm really enjoying it. But missed a lot of days so am trying to double up this month so I can catch up and stay on track)
  5. Put Blake in soccer (YAY! my first thing to cross off!!! I signed Blake up with AYSO Redlands last Sat. He's beyond excited and wants to get started asap. To bad it doesn't actually start until the fall.)
  6. Put Bella in dance or gymnastics
  7. Take the kids to Disneyland one on one
  8. Go on an overnight trip just me and my Mr. (We are talking about going away for Vday and to celebrate our Anniversary together. No plans yet though)
  9. Paint our house
  10. Potty train Bella (She is such a strong willed little girl. If it's her idea she is all for it. Like the other day, she wore underwear all day and only had 1 accident in the late evening when she was very tired. But if I try and encourage or suggest it she is not having it. But were making good progress. She's ready once she decides to go for it full force)
  11. Play on a soccer team
  12. See the Twilight cast in person!!!