So one of the 12 on my list to do for 2012
Was to plant and maintain a garden.
Well it's a bit more complicated than just planting and maintaining.
In 2010 I planted a garden around the planters in the backyard
Gosh my kids were tiny then
So that garden was a huge success with LOTS of corn, cucumbers, green beans, and cilantro.
So for the next year I wanted more space so I could plant more!!
So my loving husband cleared out a pretty big lot on the side yard. I got together with a fabulous friend and we planted a garden together. She blogged about it last year check it out!
But with each of us having two kids under 3 we just never found the time to really maintain it and keep up with it. We did however get a couple radishes and tons of Zucchini
So after almost a year of not touching that side of the yard it was insanely outta control. And my husband was not a happy camper about. He mentioned something about it every couple of months. So this week I told him I would have it all cleared and cleaned out by the end of this month. And hopefully prepped for a new spring garden.
So today I headed out after my workout to tackle this HUGE project.
Here are some before pics
And I'm not sure how long I worked on it but I filled up our green waste trash can and sure am tired so long enough for today!
Here are my after pics for today.
My goal is to work on it at least 3 times a week until it's perfectly prime for a garden to be planted.
I can't wait!!!