Thursday, November 15, 2012

All about Bella

Bella Rose Bubeck
Born Oct 13th 10:05am
7lbs 5oz 20"
1st Birthday
2nd Birthday
3rd Birthday
It makes me sad to see how quickly the time has past and my baby faced little girl is growing up into a beautiful toddler.
I started a new tradition this year where I ask them 20 question on their birthday. So here are her responses, some surprising some I knew.
  1. How old are you? 3
  2. Who is your best friend? Sammie
  3. What is your favorite thing to do? Color
  4. What is your favorite color? Pink and Purple
  5. What is your favorite thing to eat? Pancakes! (probably because I made them this am!)
  6. What is your favorite thing to do with our family? Play games
  7. What is your favorite toy? Tangled
  8. What do you want to be when you grow up? Tangled
  9. What makes you sad? Spanking my butt! LOL
  10. What is your favorite show to watch? DORA
  11. What is your favorite book? Cinderella
  12. What was your best part about your birthday? Wearing my tangled costume
  13. Where do you like to go? The beach
  14. What is your favorite treat? Lollypop
  15. What is your favorite fruit? Candy was her first response, then blueberries
  16. What is your favorite animal? Piggy
  17. What is your favorite song? ABC's
  18. What is your favorite outfit? Blue and purple dress
  19. What do you like to take to bed with you? A baby
  20. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play with my pink bucket and water.
My precious baby girl is STRONG-WILLED! I have no idea where she gets that from! haha
I have no doubt that she will move mountains one day! The strength and determination she shows at just 3 years old could put many people to shame. My prayer for her is that she will learn much earlier then I did to speak only in love! And to put that determination and focus on God's will!
She is so smart! She can count to 10 perfectly and goes to 20 but not always perfectly yet. She can also count to 10 in Spanish. Thank you Dora and Diego!
She is itching to go to school like her big brother, so she will next year! That's gonna be hard to have both of them away from me.
She LOVES Tangled as you probably already knew.

She loves to color and paint! She loves her baby dolls! One goes with us at all times. She loves makeup and doing hair. She loves her brother. She doesn't really like milk but she drinks it so she can move onto juice! She can't wait to be a "soccer star" Which makes mommy very happy! She has a temper but generally calms down quickly. And sometimes she "just needs to be alone and take a bath" She is truly my daughter!

I pray daily God will bless me with a strong and healthy relationship with her as she grows no doubt into a strong young women who will continue to test me daily. But I know with out a Shadow of a doubt she has made me a better mother and women of Christ.

She hears she is beautiful everyday but I also praise her daily for things other then outward beauty but inward beauty and her strengths! She will learn that she is so much more then a pretty face. Her value in this world will not fade with time like beauty. This may sound strange for me to write about my 3 year old but I just want so much more for her!

She had her 3 year old check up and is the 90% for her height! 39 1/4 inches tall and 28 lbs! Which means she is 3/4 inches shy of riding Spash mountain at Disneyland (and much more) haha and moving into a booster seat. Seriously I can't believe in no time I wont have any babies in carseats.
I think some tears might be shed that day.

But other then that she is happy and healthy and beautiful and loving and feisty and sassy and my daughter!

Happy Birthday Bella Rose!
 Mommy loves you more then I can express




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